Saturday 14 February 2015

Reservation additional information

For check on stall detail is contact - Ah Heng (Henry ) - +60164136662 or +60175673822

History of koay teow th'ng

Koay Teow Soup @ 白云山.   (Title) koay teow soup (ah Heng koay teow th'ng) in Penang is rather unique on its own, with the various kinds of selection which includes a simple pork slices, fish ball and fish cake , koay teow also can mix with yellow noodle or bee tai mak. This is an old traditional way is not easy to find in Penang anymore. It is different to normal koay teow soup, the secret is on the soup based.
祖父飘扬过海来到南洋, 马来西亚, 槟城州定居了下来。便开始了自己的事业, 在戏班脚流动, 以小本生意开了档果条汤。至今已经第三代了! 顾客也一代接一代来支持, 原因也很简单, 因为汤头拥有了猪骨的甜香味! 也拥有了找不到的古早味。很适合热爱清汤的食客们。
虽然是流动式在跑动, 但老顾客们都会一一的打电话来问售卖地点。一家大小来顿午餐或晚餐。
ASoup based is use by leg of pork bone is a great mix of sweetness proudly meat in the soup, by a Special family family recipe since fried garlic and soya sauce . After the soup , finally ready to put on the pork slices , fish ball , fish cake and shallots. I know this family behind history story about this stall. The creator is the grandfather came from Southeast Asia and came to Malaysia @ Penang to settled down and began his career by troupe foot flow market stall business to open Koay Teow Soup. It has been the third generation !!!! All Customer also for generation to support , the only reason is very simple , because the soup has the sweet smell of "Pork" - Pig !!! It suitable for all family who love chinese traditional soup .

Heng koay teow soup @ Penang

Although the flow type in the running stall, but the old customer who will be call to ask where and when the sales outlets. It strongly recommend and a lot people prefer this koay teow soup, one big reason is suitable in anytime , any weather. Thumbs up for this.
Recipe : 汤头是以猪腿的大骨熬出肉甜味混合在汤里。由家传秘方特制的酱青以及自炒蒜茸,猪油炸加入在果条和汤上,使得汤头更加清甜美味。最后再加上已准备好的肉片,鱼糕,鱼丸,青葱。